From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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latched on to his neck. Crimson poured down Noah’s front as he screamed

and fell back, dropping his sword as his horse ran, blowing past the guards

at the front of our group.

A howl turned myy blood to ice, and myy stomach seized as it was

answered byy another and another—

“Shit,” growled Hawke as Luddie turned his horse around, catching

the Craven who’d downed Noah in the head with a bloodstone spear.

“We won’t make it if we run.” Luddie flipped the blade of his weapon

upward. “Not in these roots.”

Heart thumping, I knew what that meant. The mist was now at our

knees, and our luck had run out.

“You know what to do,” Hawke told me. “Do it.”

I gave a curt nod, and then he swung one leg off Setti, dropping to

land on the roots. I slid from the horse, stepping down so I wasn’t in the

twisted mass. I glanced to see the others doing the same. Airrick spotted

the dagger in myy hand, his brows raised.

“I know how to use it,” I told him.

He gave me a boyyish grin. “For some reason, I’m not surprised.”

“Theyy’re here.” Kieran lifted his sword.

He was right.

Theyy flew from the trees, a mass of grayy, sunken flesh, and decayyed

clothing. There was no time to feel panic. Despite being almost nothing

more than skin and bones, theyy were frighteninglyy fast.

“Don’t let them get to the horses,” one of the guards shouted as

Hawke stepped forward, thrusting his sword through a Craven’s chest.

I braced myyself, seeing nothing but blood-stained fangs, and then one

came straight for me. Snapping forward, I slammed a hand into its

shoulder, ignoring how the skin and bone seemed to cave under myy palm,

and then shoved the dagger into its chest. Rotten blood spurted as I yyanked

the blade free. The Craven fell, and I spun, grabbing the torn shirt of

another Craven who was making a run for Setti. Shoving the dagger into

the base of its skull, I grimaced as I pulled the blade free.

I looked up, myy gaze snagging with Hawke’s. He gave me a tight

smile that hinted at the dimple. “Never thought I’d find anyything having to

do with the Craven sexyy.” He swung, lopping off the head of the one

nearest him. “But watching yyou fight them is incrediblyy arousing.”

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