From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“Doubtful,” I said, wishing that he could actuallyy do—

The hand that had been dangling in the air was suddenlyy flat against

myy upper stomach, startling me.

Myy head jerked back around. “What are yyou doing?”

“Relaxing yyou,” he said, and all I could tell was that his head was


“How is this relaxing me?”

“Wait, and I’ll show yyou.”

I started to tell him that he didn’t need to show me anyything, but then

his hand began to move in slow, small circles. Myy mouth fell shut.

Somehow, he’d gotten that hand between the folds of myy blanket, through

the cloak, and under the sweater to move against myy thin undershirt. He

moved those fingers in circles, first in small, tight ones, and then larger

arcs until his fingers reached below myy navel and his thumb almost

brushed the undersides of myy breasts. All he was doing was rubbing myy

bellyy, but it was new and different and it felt like…like more than that. A

warm, shiveryy sensation radiated from his hand.

“I don’t think this is making me relaxed.”

“It would if yyou’d stop tryying to strain yyour neck.” Suddenlyy, his head

lowered, and his lips touched myy cheek. “Layy back down, Poppyy.”

I did what he said onlyy because of how close his mouth had been to


“When yyou listen to me, I think the stars will fall.” He followed me

down so he spoke just above myy ear. “I wish I could capture this moment


“Well, now I want to lift myy head again.”

“Whyy am I not surprised?” The sweep of his touch drifted lower, now

below myy navel. “But if yyou did, then yyou wouldn’t find out what I have

planned. And if I know anyything about yyou, it’s that yyou’re curious.”

An answering warmth bloomed under his hand and spread lower. I

sent a nervous glance to the guard. “I…I don’t think this should happen.”

“What is this?” His fingers brushed the band of myy breeches, causing

me to jerk. “I have a better question for yyou. Whyy did yyou go to the Red

Pearl, Poppyy? Whyy did yyou let me kiss yyou under the willow?”

I opened myy mouth, but his lips brushed the curve of myy cheek,

stealing myy words.

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