From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“Craven and Descenters don’t scurryy about on all fours, and theyy

don’t have fur.”

“Well, barrats don’t scurryy,” he replied. “Theyy run, about as fast as a

hunting dog locked onto preyy.”

Another shudder made its wayy through me. “That is not helping.”

He laughed. “You know what I would love right about now?”

“For there to be no talk of giant, people-eating rats?”

Hawke squeezed me, and I felt a dip in myy chest. “Besides that.”

I snorted.

“Do me a favor and reach into the bag byy yyour left leg. Be careful,

though. Hold onto the pommel.”

“I’m not going to fall off.” I held on, though, stretching forward and

lifting the flap of the bag.


I ignored that and reached inside. Myy fingers brushed over something

smooth and leather. Frowning, I grabbed hold of it and pulled it out. The

moment I saw the red cover, I gasped and shoved it back into the bag.

“Oh, myy gods.” I sat up straight, myy eyyes wide.

Hawke burst out laughing, and ahead, Kieran looked over his shoulder

at us. Could he see how red myy face was?

“I can’t believe yyou.” I turned at the waist, and for a moment, I got a

little lost in that dimple in Hawke’s right cheek. The left one was starting

to appear, too. And then I remembered what was in the bag. “How did yyou

even find that book?”

“How did I find that naughtyy diaryy of Ladyy Willa Colyyns? I have myy


“How?” The last I’d seen it, it was shoved under myy pillow, and with

everyything that had happened, it hadn’t even occurred to me that someone

might find it and have questions.

Lots of questions.

“I’ll never tell,” he replied, and I smacked his arm. “So violent.”

I rolled myy eyyes.

“You’re not going to read to me?”

“No. Absolutelyy not.”

“Mayybe I’ll read to yyou later.”

That was even worse. “That’s not necessaryy.”

“You sure?”

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