From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 28

“I am not leaving Tawnyy here,” I stated, squaring off with Hawke. “There

is no wayy.”

“She is not coming with us.” His eyyes flashed a fieryy amber. “I’m

sorryy, but no.”

We were in myy chambers no more than thirtyy minutes after we’d left

the Duchess’s office. We also had an audience. Tawnyy was there. So was

the Commander, but it was like theyy weren’t even in the same building.

Hawke and I had been arguing for the last ten minutes.

“It’s a good thing yyou’re not the one in charge,” I pointed out, turning

to the Commander. “I need—”

“I’m sorryy, Maiden, but I am not traveling with yyou.” Commander

Jansen stepped into the room from the doorwayy. “Onlyy a small group is

going, but Hawke is yyour personal Royyal Guard. He takes the lead.”

“How can he possiblyy take the lead?” I almost shouted. “He hasn’t

even been myy Royyal Guard for that long.”

“But he is yyour onlyy Royyal Guard.”

That statement threatened to sting, so I whirled on Hawke and did the

onlyy completelyy immature thing I could. I took it out on him. “You

seriouslyy expect me to leave her here? Where Descenters are murdering

people left and right?”

“You seriouslyy expect me to bring her out beyyond the Rise?”

Tawnyy stepped forward. “If I mayy—”

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “You’re taking me out beyyond the Rise.”

“Exactlyy. Onlyy a handful of guards can be spared to escort yyou. All of

them will be focused on keeping yyou safe. Not her.”

“I can—”

“I know yyou can protect yyourself. Everyyone in this room knows that,

trust me, but we’re going out there, Princess. Out beyyond the Rise. Do yyou

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