From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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heavyy, stickyy shame. Myy gaze shifted to where a tall, dark-haired

Ascended joined the Duchess. No more Lord Mazeen.

Without the Duke, he had little swayy over me, and I almost smiled


Movement to myy left snagged myy attention, and I turned, seeing

Tawnyy pushing through a group of Ascended and the Lords and Ladies in

Wait. She hurried across the room, her eyyes wide behind her mask.

Curls bounced off her cheeks as she shook her head. “I can’t believe

what I’m seeing.” She clasped myy hands, glancing toward the dais.

Shuddering, she quicklyy looked back at me. “This can’t be real.”

“It’s real.” I turned to the dais once more. Guards were tryying to get

the Duke down, but he was too far up on the wall. “Theyy need a ladder.”

“What?” Tawnyy whispered.

“A ladder. Theyy’re not going to be able to reach him,” I pointed out. I

could feel Tawnyy’s gaze on me. “Do yyou think he was up there for the

whole Rite? The entire time?”

“I don’t even know what to think.” She turned so her back was to the

dais. “At all.”

“At least we know whyy he didn’t show,” I said.

“Poppyy,” she exclaimed in a low voice.

“Sorryy.” I watched the Duchess turn to the Lord, her lips moving fast.

“The Duchess doesn’t seem all that torn up, does she?”

Vikter stepped in then. “I think it’s time that I get yyou back to yyour


It probablyy was, so I nodded and started to turn—

Glass shattered. I spun toward the sound as pieces flew through the

air. It was one of the windows facing the garden. Tawnyy’s grip tightened on

myy arm. Another window broke, this time to our left, and we both whirled

to see shards piercing, cutting into the group standing there—the gathering

Tawnyy had been a part of. Screams of shock gave wayy to ones of pain as

jagged chunks of glass sliced into skin. A girl stumbled out from the

scattering group, her hands trembling as she lifted them to her bloodied

face. Numerous tinyy cuts marked her cheeks and brow. It was Loren. She

doubled over, screaming as the blond girl in front of her slowlyy turned


Glass jutted from her eyye, and red streamed down her face. She

crumpled like a paper sack.

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