From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“Reallyy,” he answered seriouslyy.

I should’ve felt relief that he’d stopped, and I did. But I also didn’t.

What I felt was a confusing mess. But I knew one thing for sure.

“I don’t think I would’ve stopped yyou,” I whispered. I would’ve let

him take me to the ground, and I would’ve welcomed what he did,

consequences be damned.

Hawke’s bodyy shook as he moaned. “You’re not helping.”

“I’m a bad Maiden.”

“No.” He kissed myy other temple. “You’re a perfectlyy normal girl.

What is expected of yyou is what’s bad.” He paused. “And, yyes, yyou’re also

a veryy bad Maiden.”

Instead of being offended—because there was no wayy, even if I didn’t

count tonight, that I could denyy that—I laughed and was rewarded byy his

arm coming back around me. Hawke pulled me back to his bodyy, sliding

his hand to myy nape. I settled myy cheek against his shoulder as his grip

brieflyy tightened, and then his fingers moved, working the muscles of myy

neck. I wasn’t sure how long we stayyed there like that, quiet and hidden

awayy under the willow, but I did know that it was far past the point where

myy blood had cooled, and myy heart had slowed. I didn’t move then, and

neither did Hawke. I thought that mayybe…mayybe being held like this, so

close and so tight, felt just as good as the kissing and the touching.

Perhaps even better, but in a different wayy.

But it was getting late, and unsurprisinglyy, Hawke was the responsible

one. He kissed the crown of myy head, causing myy heart to squeeze in a

wayy that was so sweet, it was almost painful.

“I need to get yyou back, Princess.”

“I know.” But still, I held onto him.

He chuckled, and I grinned into his shoulder. “You have to let me go,


“I know.” I sighed, yyet I remained where I was, thinking that the

moment we stepped outside of the willow, we would be back in the real

world, no longer in our haven where I was Poppyy, and who I was mattered.

“I don’t want to.”

He was silent for so long that I feared that I’d said the wrong thing,

but then his arm tightened around me again. When he spoke, his voice was

strangelyy rough. “Neither do I.”

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