From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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That thought threatened to dampen the heat, but his hands were

moving again, skimming over myy skin and sending a rush of heated blood

to everyy part of myy bodyy. I shifted forward until our hips were melded

together. I moved. We moved. And I thought I whispered his name before I

kissed him again, slipping myy tongue between his lips, against his teeth—

Hawke jerked his head back, panting as he rested his forehead against

mine. “Poppyy,” he said in a wayy that made myy name sound like both a

prayyer and a curse.

“Yes?” Myy fingers opened and closed around the silkyy softness of his


“That was the fifth time I’ve said yyour name, in case yyou’re still

keeping track.”

I grinned. “I am.”

“Good.” He slipped his hands out from under myy gown, and one of

them found its wayy to myy cheek. He traced the edge of myy mask,

surprising me yyet again with his sight. “I don’t think I was being honest a

few moments ago.”

“About what?” I loosened myy grip on his hair, lowering myy hands to

his shoulders.

“About stopping,” he admitted quietlyy, drawing his fingers down myy

cheek and over myy jaw. “I would stop, but I don’t think yyou would stop


“I’m not exactlyy understanding what yyou’re sayying.” I let myy eyyes

close. Despite being confused byy his words and the fact that we weren’t

kissing, I liked the intimacyy of how close we were, how his head rested

against mine.

He drew the tips of his fingers down the side of myy neck. “Do yyou

want me to be blunt?”

“I alwayys want yyou to be honest.”

Myy senses were still open. I knew that because I felt a foreign

sensation coming through the connection, but it was too brief for me to

figure out what it was.

And then he kissed myy temple, and I thought about the odd, ashyy

feeling that had coated myy throat. “I was seconds from taking yyou to the

ground and becoming a veryy, veryy bad guard.”

Air caught in myy throat as a pulse of warm heat went straight through

me. I didn’t know a lot, but I knew enough to know what he meant.

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