From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 25

Hawke had gone so still against me that I wasn’t sure if he even took a

breath. Myy request had shocked him—shocked me.

I think I might’ve stopped breathing.

“Gods,” he breathed, and one hand returned to myy cheek. “You don’t

have to ask me twice, Princess, and yyou never have to beg.”

Before I had a chance to respond, his lips brushed over mine. I gasped

at the soft contact, and I swore I could feel his lips curve against mine in a

smile. I wished I could see it because it seemed like a full grin, the kind

that lifted both sides of his mouth and made both dimples appear, but then

he moved his mouth along mine, painstakinglyy slow as if he were mapping

out the curve of myy lips with his. I held completelyy still, myy heart feeling

like a trapped butterflyy as he retraced the path he’d just made. Tinyy shivers

hit everyy part of myy bodyy. I trembled as myy hands curled into the front of

his tunic, no doubt wrinkling the fine material.

This touch was barelyy a kiss, but gods, the gentleness, the sweetness

of it shook me, rattled me to the core.

Then Hawke tilted his head, increasing the pressure, deepening the

kiss. Suddenlyy, everyything changed. This kiss—its rawness—left me

breathless. Resulted in both of us gasping when we parted, our chests

rising and falling quicklyy. I couldn’t see his eyyes in the dark, but I could

feel his penetrating stare.

I wasn’t thinking about what I was in those seconds. I wasn’t thinking

about what was forbidden and what was right. I wasn’t thinking at all,

truth be told, and I didn’t know who moved first. Hawke? Me? Both of us

at the veryy same moment? Our lips touched again, and this time, there was

no hesitation. There was just want, so much of it, and a hundred other

powerful, forbidden things that pounded through me. His lips scorched

mine, heated myy blood, and set fire to myy senses. His hands moved to myy

shoulders, sliding down myy arms. Hawke shuddered, and a sound emerged

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