From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“‘The things the man did with his tongue and his fingers had only

been surpassed by his shockingly large, decadently pulsing, and wickedly

throbbing—’” Hawke chuckled. “This woman has a knack for adverbs,

doesn’t she?”

“You can stop now.”


“What?” I gasped.

“That’s the end of that sentence,” he explained, and when he glanced

up, I immediatelyy knew that whatever was about to come out of his mouth

was going to burn me alive. “Oh, yyou mayy not know what she means byy

manhood. I do believe she’s talking about his cock. Prick. Dick. His—”

“Oh, myy gods,” I whispered.

“His—apparentlyy—extremelyy large, throbbing and pulsing—”

“I get it! I completelyy understand.”

“Just wanted to make sure. Wouldn’t want yyou to be too embarrassed

to ask and think she was referencing his love for her or something.”

“I hate yyou.”

“No, yyou don’t.”

“And I’m about to stab yyou,” I warned. “In a veryy violent manner.”

Concern flickered across his face as he lowered the book. “Now that,

I believe.”

“Give me back the journal.”

“But, of course.” He offered it, and I snatched it out of his hand

quicklyy, holding it to myy chest. “All yyou had to do was ask.”

“What?” Myy mouth dropped open. “I have been asking.”

“Sorryy.” He didn’t sound sorryy at all. “I have selective hearing.”

“You are… You are the worst."

“You got yyour words wrong.” Striding past me, he patted the top of

myy head. I lashed out, narrowlyy missing him. “You meant, I’m the best.”

“I got myy words right.”

“Come. I need to get yyou back before something other than yyour own

foolishness puts yyou at risk.” He stopped byy the door. “And don’t forget

yyour book. I expect a summaryy of each chapter tomorrow.”

He and I were never going to speak about this diaryy again.

But I did bring it with me when I followed him to the door. It was

onlyy when he reached for the handle that it struck me. “How did yyou know

where I was?”

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