From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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shifted to a fierce, burning amber. His fingers drifted from the mask and

slowlyy traced the curve of myy cheekbone. Myy skin hummed as his stare

followed the path that his fingertips took. He glided them down myy face

and over myy parted lips. I sucked in a sharp breath, myy chest suddenlyy

feeling too tight.

His chin dipped, and myy breath caught as he lowered his head. Everyy

muscle in myy bodyy seemed to tense with a headyy mix of panic and

anticipation. There was intent in the wayy his lashes lowered, and how he

leaned in. He was going to kiss me. Myy heartbeat danced as his lips glided

across myy cheek, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. I knew what I should

do, but I didn’t. Mayybe Hawke had been right when he’d said how I could

have anyything I wanted when, with a mask, I could pretend that no one

knew who I was. He had to be.

Because myy eyyes closed, and I didn’t move. Hawke had been myy first

kiss, but if he kissed me now, this…this would be our real first kiss. He

knew who I was now. He’d seen me unveiled. He knew.

And I wanted this—wanted him.

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