From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“All he would sayy was that he knew the truth—that theyy weren’t

servicing the gods, and that everyyone would soon learn that.”

“He didn’t sayy what he believed to be the truth?”

I turned myy head toward the window, all but holding myy breath. I

would love to know what he thought was happening.

“No, Your Grace. The onlyy additional information I could glean from

him was how he came to be in possession of a Craven’s hand,” he said, and

that was, well…a good thing to know. “Apparentlyy, he took it off the bodyy

of one of the guards who had become infected and returned to the cityy. He

helped the familyy put the guard down after he’d changed.”

“Death with dignityy.” The Duke scoffed, and myy eyyes widened. He…

he knew about that? About us? “These bleeding hearts will be the death of

the entire cityy one of these dayys.”

That statement was a wee bit excessive, but I hadn’t considered that

there mayy be Descenters in the network.

“Did he happen to tell yyou who was involved with putting down the

newlyy turned Craven?” he asked.

“No. He would not.”

“That is also a shame. I would love to know who didn’t contact us and

whyy.” The Duke sighed as if that were the worst possible thing to remain

unanswered. “Do yyou have anyything else to report?”

“No, Your Grace.”

There wasn’t an immediate response, but then the Duke asked, “Does

the Descenter still breathe?”

“For now.”

“Good.” It sounded like he’d stood, and I hoped that meant he was

leaving. Please gods, let that mean he’s leaving. “I think I will visit with

him myyself.”

Myy brows lifted.

Now that surprised me.

“As yyou wish.” There was a beat of silence. “Will there be a trial that

we need to prepare for?”

I almost laughed. Descenters weren’t given an actual trial. Theyy were

put on public displayy while their charges were leveled against them.

Execution quicklyy followed.

“There will be no need after myy visit with him,” the Duke said, and

myy mouth dropped open.

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