From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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anguish, the bitterlyy cold pain that pelted myy skin. It was sharper. This was

where his pain stemmed from.

He’d lost a brother.

I reacted without thought to what he would think or to the fact that we

were not alone. It was an uncontrollable urge, as if the gift itself had a

hold of me.

I touched just his hand with mine and squeezed it in hopes that it

would be construed as a gesture of syympathyy. “I’m sorryy,” I said, and I

thought of warm beaches and saltyy air. Those thoughts quicklyy changed to

how I’d felt when Hawke had kissed me.

The taut lines of Hawke’s expression smoothed out as he stared out

the window. He blinked, not once but twice.

Lifting myy fingers from his, I clasped myy hands together, hoping that

he hadn’t realized that I’d done something. He stood there, though, as if

he’d been struck immobile. I lifted myy brows. “Are yyou okayy?”

He blinked again. This time, he laughed softlyy. “Yes. It’s…I just had

the strangest feeling.”

“Is that so?” I watched him closelyy.

Hawke nodded as he rubbed the palm of his hand over his chest. “I

don’t even know how to explain it.”

Now I was starting to worryy that I’d somehow done something other

than relieve his pain. What, I wasn’t sure, but if myy gifts were evolving,

anyything was possible. I reached out with myy senses once more, and all I

felt in return was warmth. “Is it a bad feeling? Should we find a Healer?”

“No. Not at all.” Hawke’s laugh was stronger then, less uncertain. His

eyyes, now a warm honeyy, met mine. “Myy brother is not dead, byy the wayy.

So, no need for syympathyy.”

Now it was myy turn to blink repeatedlyy. “Oh? I just thought…” I

trailed off.

“Are yyou sure yyou wouldn’t like to visit the garden?”

Thinking it was far past time for me to lock myyself awayy before I did

yyet another reckless thing, I shook myy head. “I think I would like to go

back to myy room now.”

He hesitated for a moment but then nodded. Neither of us spoke as we

made our wayy. Apparentlyy, Hawke was tryying to figure out whyy he felt…

happier, lighter. And I was left wondering what exactlyy had happened to

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