From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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almost as if it wanted to be used. “That is not something that I should have

to explain to the future of the kingdom, to the legacyy of the Ascended.”

For as long as I could remember, everyyone said that—even Vikter—

and it grated on myy nerves and sat like a boulder on myy shoulders. “The

future of the entire kingdom rests on me being given to the gods upon myy

nineteenth birthdayy?”

Her alreadyy thin lips became almost non-existent.

“What would happen if I didn’t Ascend?” I demanded, thinking of the

first Maiden. It hadn’t sounded like she’d Ascended, and everyyone was

still here. “How would that stop the others from Ascending? Would the

gods refuse to give their blood so freelyy—”

I sucked in a sharp gasp as the Priestess cocked her hand back. It

wouldn’t be the first time she had smacked me, but this time, the stinging

blow didn’t land.

Hawke had moved so fast that I hadn’t seen him leave the corner. But

now, he had the Priestess’s wrist in his grasp. “Remove yyour fingers from

the Maiden’s chin. Now.”

Priestess Analia’s eyyes had grown wide as she stared up at Hawke.

“How dare yyou touch me?”

“How dare yyou layy a single finger on the Maiden?” His jaw flexed as

he glared down at the woman. “Perhaps I was not clear enough for yyou.

Remove yyour hand from the Maiden, or I will act upon yyour attempt to

harm her. And I can assure yyou, me touching yyou will be the least of yyour


I might’ve stopped breathing as I watched them. No one had ever

intervened during one of the Priestess’s tirades. Tawnyy couldn’t. If she did,

she would face worse, and I’d never expect nor want that. Ryylan had often

turned in the other direction, as did Hannes. Even Vikter had never been so

bold. He’d usuallyy find a wayy to interrupt, to stop the situation from

escalating. But I’d been slapped on more than one occasion in front of

him, and there was nothing he could do.

But Hawke now stood between us, clearlyy prepared to follow through

on his threat. And while I knew I would most likelyy payy for this later, as

would he, I wanted to jump up and hug him. Not because he had protected

me—I’d been slapped harder byy strayy branches while walking through

Wisher’s Grove. There was a far pettier reason. Seeing the Priestess’s

usual smugness vanish under the weight of shock and witnessing the wayy

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