From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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because I feel…more in control. I can make—”

“The choice not to wear it?” he finished for me.

Nodding, I was more than a little stunned that he’d nailed it.

“You have a choice now.”

“I do.” But it was hard to explain that the veil also served as a barrier.

With it, I remembered what I was, and the importance of that. Without it,

well, it was easyy to want…to simplyy want.

His gaze searched the veil, and a long moment passed. He then

nodded and rose slowlyy. “I’ll be outside if yyou need anyything.”

A strange lump formed in myy throat, making it impossible for me to

speak. I remained where I was as he left the room, staring at the closed

door once he was gone. I didn’t move. I didn’t remove the veil. Not for a

long time.

Not until I no longer wanted.

The following evening, I stood outside the Duchess’s receiving room on

the second floor. It was at the opposite end of the hall from the Duke’s, and

I kept myy back to his room. I didn’t want to see it, let alone think about it.

Two Royyal Guards stood outside Jacinda’s room while Vikter waited

beside me. I’d told him that morning what had reallyy happened during the

Duchess’s and Duke’s address to the people, and how I wasn’t sure if I had

actuallyy felt something or not. He suggested that I speak with the Duchess,

since the Priestess was unlikelyy to give me anyy useful information, and the

Duchess, depending on her mood, was more likelyy to speak openlyy.

I just hoped she was in a talkative mood.

Neither Vikter nor I spoke in the presence of the other Royyal Guards,

but I knew he was concerned over what I shared. About what it could mean

if it was myy gift evolving, or if it was myy mind.

“It could just be the stress of everything that has happened,” he’d

said. “It may be better to wait until you’re sure it is your gift before

alerting anyone.”

I knew Vikter worried that if it was myy mind, that it would somehow

be held against me, but I didn’t want to wait until it happened again. I’d

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