From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I made a mental note to remember exactlyy how observant Hawke was.

“I was…” I started to sayy that I’d been fine, but I knew he wouldn’t

believe that. “I got a little dizzyy. I guess I haven’t eaten enough todayy.”

His intense gaze tracked over what he could see of myy face, and even

with the veil, I felt unbearablyy exposed when he looked at me like he did

then. “I hate this.”

“Hate what?” I asked, confused.

Hawke didn’t respond immediatelyy. “I hate talking to the veil.”

“Oh.” Understanding rippled through me as I reached up and touched

the length that hid myy hair. “I imagine most people don’t enjoyy it.”

“I can’t imagine you do.”

“I don’t,” I admitted and then glanced around the room as if I

expected Priestess Analia to be hiding somewhere. “I mean, I’d prefer if

people were able to see me.”

He tilted his head to the side. “What does it feel like?”

Air hitched in myy throat. No one…no one had ever asked me that

before, and while I had a lot of thoughts and feelings about the veil, I

wasn’t sure how to put them into words even though I trusted Hawke.

Some things, once spoken, were given a life of their own.

I walked to one of the chairs and sat on the edge as I tried to figure

out what to sayy. Suddenlyy, myy brain sort of spit out the onlyy thing that

came to mind. “It feels suffocating.”

Hawke drew closer. “Then whyy do yyou wear it?”

“I didn’t realize I had a choice.” I looked up at him.

“You have a choice now.” He knelt in front of me. “It’s just yyou and

me, walls, and a patheticallyy inadequate supplyy of furniture.”

Myy lips twitched.

“Do yyou wear yyour veil when yyou’re with Tawnyy?” he asked.

I shook myy head no.

“Then whyy are yyou wearing it now?”

“Because…I’m allowed to be without myy veil with her.”

“I was told that yyou were supposed to be veiled at all times, even with

those approved to see yyou.”

He was, of course, correct.

Hawke arched a brow.

I sighed. “I don’t wear myy veil when I’m in myy room, and I don’t

expect anyyone to come in other than Tawnyy. And I don’t wear it then

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