From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 19

Hawke quicklyy ushered Tawnyy and me back inside the castle, while Vikter

moved to talk to the Commander.

“Where in the world did that man get a Craven’s hand?” Tawnyy asked,

the skin around her mouth tight as we walked past the Great Hall and

under the banners.

“He could’ve been outside the Rise and cut it off one of those who

was killed last night,” Hawke answered.

“That’s…” Tawnyy placed her hand to her chest. “I reallyy have no

words for that.”

Neither did I, but the appendage might have been from a cursed

who’d turned inside the Rise. I kept that to myyself as we passed several

servants. “I can’t believe he said what he did about the children—the third

and fourth sons and daughters.”

“Neither can I,” Tawnyy said.

What a terrible thing to claim. Those children, manyy who were adults

byy now, were in the Temples, serving the gods. While I didn’t agree with

there being no exceptions, insinuating that theyy were being stolen as if

done for nefarious purposes was outrageous. There onlyy needed to be a few

words spoken for them to behave like an infection, tainting a person’s

mind. I didn’t even want to imagine what the parents of those children

were now thinking.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if more people thought along those same

lines,” Hawke commented, and both Tawnyy and myy heads swiveled in his

direction. He walked beside me, onlyy a step behind. He raised his brows.

“None of those children have been seen.”

“Theyy’ve been seen byy the Priests and Priestesses and the Ascended,”

Tawnyy corrected.

“But not byy familyy.” His gaze flickered over the statues as we headed

toward the stairs. “Perhaps if people could see their children everyy so

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