From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 18

Hawke hadn’t reported myy presence, but he did tell someone.

I discovered that when I woke up onlyy a few hours after he’d left and

went to see if Vikter was up for training. There wasn’t a single part of me

that was surprised to find him waiting for me and more than readyy to get

phyysical. I’d wanted to talk to him about what had happened with the

Craven reaching the top of the Rise.

Vikter wanted to talk about what Hawke had told him. Apparentlyy,

after he’d left myy room, he went straight to Vikter. I wasn’t exactlyy mad

about that. Mostlyy just annoyyed with Hawke feeling the need to tell Vikter

anyything. But it confirmed that Hawke figured Vikter would be aware of

myy presence on the Rise, or at the veryy least, not surprised or angered byy


Hawke had miscalculated the whole not-being-angered part.

Vikter frowned as he prowled around me, eyyeing myy stance. He was

checking to make sure myy legs were braced, and myy feet were planted

shoulder-width apart. “You shouldn’t have been on the Rise.”

“But I was.”

“And yyou were caught.” Vikter stopped in front of me. “What would

yyou have done if it had been another guard who discovered yyou?”

“If it were anyyone else, I wouldn’t have been caught.”

“This isn’t a joke, Poppyy.”

“I didn’t sayy anyything funnyy,” I said. “I’m being honest. Hawke is…

he’s fast, and he’s veryy well trained.”

“Which is whyy we’re working on yyour hand-to-hand combat.”

Myy lips thinned. “Myy hand-to-hand fighting skills aren’t bad.”

“If that was true, he wouldn’t have caught yyou. Go,” Vikter ordered.

Keeping myy chin low, I threw a punch. He blocked with his forearm,

and I pulled back, looking for an opening, though not finding one. So, I

made one. I shifted as if to kick, and his arms dropped a fraction of an

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