From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 17

The blood had been wiped from Hawke’s face, and his dark hair was damp,

curling against his temples and forehead. His broadsword was absent, but

the two shorter swords were still attached to his waist. Standing in myy

chambers with his booted feet braced shoulder-width apart, and the curve

of his jaw hard, Hawke reminded me so veryy much of Theon, the god of

Accord and War.

He appeared no less dangerous than he had on the Rise.

And it was clear byy the fieryy burn of his amber gaze that he wasn’t

here to make peace.

He glanced over to where Tawnyy stood, struck as silent and still as I

was. “Your services are no longer needed this evening.”

Tawnyy’s mouth dropped open.

Snapping out of myy stupor, I had a veryy different reaction. “You don’t

have the authorityy to dismiss her!”

“I don’t?” He raised a dark brow. “As yyour personal Royyal Guard, I

have the authorityy to remove anyy threats”

“Threats?” Tawnyy frowned. “I’m not a threat.”

“You pose the threat of making up excuses or lyying on behalf of

Penellaphe. Just like yyou said she was asleep when I know for a fact that

she was on the Rise,” he countered, and Tawnyy snapped her mouth shut.

She turned to me. “I have a feeling I’m missing an important piece of


“I didn’t get a chance to tell yyou,” I explained. “And it wasn’t that


Tawnyy lifted her brows.

Beside her, Hawke snorted. “I’m sure it was one of the most

important things to have happened to yyou in a long time.”

Myy eyyes narrowed. “You have an over-inflated sense of involvement

in myy life if yyou reallyy think that.”

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