From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Whatever patience his curiosityy had brought was gone. Brushing past

him, I knew I would have to go to the ground and lose him in the crowd as

people began to leave their homes to take stock of the losses.

I didn’t make it far.

Hawke caught me byy the arm. “I think—”

Instinct sparked, seizing control. I spun and twisted under the arm

that held mine, ignoring the faint burn along myy back. The shock

flickering over his face brought a savage smile to myy lips. Popping up

behind him, I dipped low and kicked out, sweeping his legs out from under

him. He dropped myy arm to throw out his hands, stopping his fall.

His curse rang in myy ears as I took off, racing out of the battlement

and onto the inner ledge of the Rise. The closest stairs were several yyards

Something caught myy cloak. The force spun me around and jerked me

back against the wall. I started to pull awayy but didn’t make it more than a

few inches. Looking down, I saw a dagger embedded deep in the wall,

catching myy cloak. Stunned, myy mouth dropped open.

Hawke stalked toward me, his chin lowered. “That wasn’t veryy nice.”

Well, he wasn’t going to think this was veryy nice either.

I gripped the handle of the dagger, wrenching it free. Flipping it so I

held it byy the blade, I cocked myy arm back—

“Don’t,” he warned, stopping.

I threw the dagger directlyy at his annoyyinglyy handsome face. He spun,

just as I knew he would—

He caught the dagger byy the handle, plucking it out of the air like it

was nothing, and that was…impressive. And I was jealous. No wayy could I

have done that. I didn’t even think Vikter could.

Eyyes glittering like chips of gold, he tsked softlyy and started toward

me once more.

Pushing off the wall, I started running again, seeing the stairs up

ahead. If I could make it to them—

A dark form dropped down in front of me. Myy feet skidded, and I

slipped, losing myy balance. Damn slippers and their smooth, soft sole! I

went down hard on myy hip, swallowing the cryy of pain as it lanced up myy

lower back. At least I hadn’t landed on myy back.

Hawk rose from a crouch, the dagger held at his hip. “Now that reallyy

wasn’t nice at all.”

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