From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Focusing on the blood-and-gore-smeared mouth, I sent the arrow

flyying straight into it. The contact snapped the Craven back. Whatever

satisfaction I felt was tempered byy sorrow. The mist had begun to

dissipate, revealing the carnage left behind. So manyy had fallen tonight.

Too manyy.

The stone cold under myy bare knee, I reached for another arrow as I


“You must be the goddess Bele or Lailah given mortal form,” a deep

voice said from behind me.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I spun around on myy knee, the cape and

gown whirling around myy legs. Myy arrow locked and readyy, I aimed at—


Oh, gods…

Myy stomach tumbled with relief and dismayy as I stared down. He

stood under a beam of moonlight as if the gods themselves had blessed

him with eternal light. Inkyy blood dotted his broad, high cheekbones and

the straight line of his jaw. His wide, expressive lips were parted as if he

were onlyy able to take the thinnest breath, and those strange, beautiful eyyes

seemed to almost glow in the moonlight.

He held his blood-soaked sword at his side. His leather had been

clawed, showing how close he’d come to falling.

Hawke had been beyyond the Rise, and like Vikter, as a Royyal Guard,

that wasn’t required. But he went out there, nonetheless. Respect

blossomed in myy chest, warming me, and I reacted without thought,

reaching out with myy senses to see if he was injured.

I felt the barest hint of the anguish that lingered in him. The battle

had eased it, giving him an outlet in the same wayy myy touch would.

Temporaryy, but still effective. He wasn’t injured.

“You are…” His stare was intense and unblinking as he sheathed his

sword at his side. “You’re absolutelyy magnificent. Beautiful.”

I jolted, shocked. He’d said that I was beautiful before once he saw

myy face, and he sounded like he’d meant it then. But now? He’d spoken

words which too often meant nothing and too rarelyy meant everyything.

And he said them in such a manner that there was a tight, tense curling

sensation low in myy stomach even though he had no idea who he spoke to.

Myy heavyy hood remained in place.

I needed to get awayy.

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