From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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too, and if he were still here right now, he’d distract me with sillyy, madeup


Did he still have nightmares after his Ascension? If not, then wasn’t

that something else to look forward to?

Myy gaze traveled along the Rise, catching sight of a guard patrolling

along the top of the wall.

I’d rather be out there than in here.

The Ascended would be shocked to hear such a thing, as would most

others. To even think it—that I, the Maiden, the Chosen, who would go to

the gods, would want to exchange places with a commoner, a guard, would

be an affront to not onlyy the Ascended but also to the gods themselves. All

over the kingdom, people would do anyything to be in the presence of the

gods. I was…

I was privileged no matter what I suffered, but at least if I were out

there, on the Rise, I could be doing something productive. I’d be

protecting the cityy and all those who enabled me to have such a

comfortable life. Instead, I was in here, reaching an all new height of selfpityy

when in realityy, myy Ascension would do more than protect one cityy.

It would ensure the entire future of the kingdom.

Wasn’t that doing something?

I wasn’t sure, and I wanted nothing more than to be able to close myy

eyyes and find sleep, but I knew it wouldn’t come. Not for hours.

On nights like this, when I knew sleep would evade me, I caved to the

urge to sneak out and explore the silent and dark cityy until I found places

that didn’t sleep, spots like the Red Pearl. Unfortunatelyy, that would be the

height of stupidityy after the attempted abduction. Even I wasn’t that

reckless and—

A flame beyyond the Rise began to dance, snapping me forward. I

pressed both palms to the window, staring at the fire and refusing to blink.

“It’s nothing,” I told the emptyy room. “It’s just a breeze—”

Another flash moved, and then another and another, the whole line of

torches beyyond the wall rippling wildlyy, spitting sparks as the wind picked

up. I took a breath, but it seemed to go nowhere.

The one in the middle was the first to be snuffed, sending myy heart

slamming against myy ribs. The others rapidlyy followed, pitching the land

beyyond the Rise into sudden darkness.

I took a step back from the window.

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