From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“Don’t forget assisting weak Ladies in Wait to the nearest chair

before theyy faint,” he suggested. Those strange, mesmerizing eyyes glinted

with a hint of mischief, and I was…as transfixed with him as I’d been with

the Ladies in Wait. This was the Hawke I’d met in the Red Pearl. A well of

pain hidden behind a teasing and charming personalityy. “I am a man of

manyy talents.”

“I’m sure yyou are,” Tawnyy replied with a grin while I fought the urge

to reach out with myy senses.

His gaze flicked to her, and the dimple in his right cheek appeared.

“Your faith in myy skills warms myy heart,” he said, glancing at me.


Myy eyyes widened behind the veil as I clamped myy mouth shut.

Tawnyy sighed. “It’s her nickname. Onlyy her friends call her that. And

her brother.”

“Ah, the one who lives in the capital?” he questioned, still looking at


I nodded.

“Poppyy,” he repeated in a wayy that made it sound as if myy name was

wrapped in chocolate and would roll off his tongue. “I like it.”

I gave him a tight smile to match how the muscles in myy lower

stomach suddenlyy felt.

“Is there a threat of strayy cryystals we need to be aware of, or is there

something yyou need, Hawke?” Tawnyy asked.

“There are manyy things I’m in need of,” he replied as his gaze slid

back to me. Tawnyy tipped forward as if she couldn’t wait to hear what

those things were. “But we’ll need to discuss that later. You’ve been

summoned byy the Duke, Penellaphe. I’m to escort yyou to him at once.”

Tawnyy grew so veryy still I wasn’t sure if she took another breath. Ice

drenched myy insides. Summoned byy the Duke so quicklyy after yyesterdayy? I

knew it wasn’t for idle conversation. Did Lord Mazeen make good on his

threat and go to the Duke? Or was it because of how I’d stared back at the

Duke and smiled when I was unveiled? Had he found out that I had

stabbed the man who attempted to kidnap me? While most would

celebrate that I’d been able to thwart the abduction, Duke Teerman would

focus solelyy on the fact that I’d been carryying a dagger. Could someone

have seen me in here and alreadyy reported back to him? Had he found out

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