From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Surprise flickered across both her and Dafina’s faces. It was probablyy

the first time either had ever heard me speak.

Loren swallowed. “I suppose I…I might’ve misspoken, Maiden. I


I said nothing.

“Please ignore Loren,” pleaded Dafina. “Sometimes, she speaks

without anyy thought and means nothing byy it.”

Loren nodded emphaticallyy, but I didn’t doubt that she’d meant

exactlyy what she said. A rebellion would break up the monotonyy of her

dayy, and she hadn’t thought of the lives affected or lost because she simplyy

hadn’t cared to.

It happened then, once more without anyy warning, causing myy bodyy

to jerk forward and myy spine to stiffen. Myy gift reached out on its own,

and before I even realized it was happening, that invisible link formed

between Loren and me. A sensation came through the connection, a

mixture that reminded me of fresh air on a warm dayy and then something

acrid like bitter melon. I focused on the sensations as myy heart thumped

against myy ribs. Theyy felt like…excitement and fear as Loren stared at me

as if she wished to sayy something additional.

But that couldn’t be what I was picking up on from Loren. It didn’t

make anyy sense. Those emotions had to be coming from me, and somehow,

influencing myy gift.

Dafina grabbed her friend’s arm. “Come, we should be on our wayy.”

Not given much choice, Loren was hauled out of her seat and quicklyy

escorted out of the room with Dafina whispering in her ear.

“I think yyou scared them,” Tawnyy said.

Lifting a trembling hand, I took a quick sip of the sweet lemon drink.

I had no idea what had just happened.

“Poppyy.” Tawnyy touched myy arm lightlyy. “Are yyou okayy?”

I nodded as I carefullyy placed the cup down. “Yes, I’m just…” How

could I explain it? Tawnyy didn’t know about the gift, but even if she did, I

wasn’t sure I could have put it into words, or be sure that anyything had

actuallyy happened.

I looked over at her and opened myy senses. Like at first with Dafina

and Loren, all I felt was a twinge of sorrow. No deep pain or anyything I

shouldn’t be feeling.

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