From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Or do yyou…?” Pressing a hand to her chest, she slumped in her chair and

sighed. A curl slipped free from the elaborate twist that was tryying—and

failing—to contain her hair. “Or do yyou think he engages in other, more


Tawnyy knew exactlyy what Hawke did at the Red Pearl.

I wanted to kick her…like a Maiden, of course.

“I’m sure playying cards is all he does.” Loren arched a brow as she

pressed her yyellow and red fan against the deep blue of her dress. The

contrast of the fan and gown was…atrocious and also interesting. Myy gaze

dipped to her mask. Cryystals of everyy color were alreadyy sewn into the

material. I was sure it would look like a rainbow had vomited all over her

face once she finished. “If that is all he does, then that would be a…


“I imagine he does what everyyone does when theyy go there,” Tawnyy

said, humor dripping like syyrup from her words. “Finds someone to

spend…qualityy time with.” Her mischievous gaze slid to mine.

I was going to replace the sugars Tawnyy loved to dump into her coffee

with coarse salt.

She knew I wouldn’t chime in, that I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed to

speak to the Ladies, and I still hadn’t spoken to Hawke or around him. And

other than Hawke asking if I wished to do anyything after supper last night,

to which I had shaken myy head no, he hadn’t spoken to me either.

Like before, I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed.

“You shouldn’t suggest such things in current companyy,” Dafina


Tawnyy choked on her tea, and behind the veil, myy eyyes rolled.

“I imagine if Miss Willa were alive todayy, she would’ve snared him

in her web,” Loren said, and myy interest was piqued. Was she talking about

the Willa Colyyns? “And then wrote about him in her diaryy.”

She was.

Miss Willa Colyyns was a woman who’d lived in Masadonia some two

hundred yyears ago. She’d apparentlyy had a veryy…active love life. Miss

Colyyns had detailed her rather scandalous affairs quite explicitlyy in her

journal, and it had been filed awayy in the cityy Atheneum as some sort of

historical account. I made a mental note to ask Tawnyy to retrieve that

journal for me.

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