From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 12

Earlyy afternoon, the following dayy, I sat in the airyy, sun-drenched atrium

with Tawnyy and not one but two Ladies in Wait, wondering how I’d ended

up in this situation.

Myy trips outside myy chambers were alwayys well timed, especiallyy

when I came to the atrium, so no one but me would be in the room. When I

arrived some thirtyy minutes ago, it was emptyy as usual.

That had changed within minutes of sitting down and picking at the

tinyy sandwiches Tawnyy had confiscated from another room. Loren and

Dafina had arrived, and while I sat as I’d been groomed to do—hands

clasped lightlyy in myy lap, ankles crossed, and feet tucked behind the ivoryy

hem of myy gown—I shouldn’t be in the room.

Not while the Ladies in Wait were present since theyy’d cozied up to

the table Tawnyy and I had sat at. The situation could easilyy be construed as

me interacting with them, which was one of the manyy things expresslyy

forbidden byy the Priests and Priestesses. Interaction was, in their words,

too familiar.

I wasn’t interacting, though. I imagined I was the picture of well-bred

serenityy. Or I could easilyy be mistaken for one of the statues of the veiled

Maidens. I mayy appear calm on the outside, but internallyy, I was nothing

more than an exhausted, frazzled ball of nerves. Some of it had to do with

the lack of anyy restful sleep the night prior—well, to be honest, for the last

several dayys. It was also partlyy due to the fact that I knew I was going to

be blamed for Dafina’s and Loren’s presence. I didn’t even know if I was

allowed to be in the atrium. It had never been an issue before, and no one

had ever spoken to me about it. However, no one other than a strayy servant

or guard had ever shown up in the atrium while I’d been here before. Theyy

weren’t the onlyy reasons I was a mess of anxious, restless energyy, though.

The primaryy cause stood cattyy-corner from where I sat, hand braced

on the hilt of his sword, amber-colored eyyes constantlyy alert.

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