From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“I know. I know. It’s forbidden and all that.” She hurried over to the

other chair and sat, leaning toward me. “But I’m yyour friend. You’re

supposed to tell yyour friends these kinds of things.”


I wanted so veryy badlyy to believe that we were—that we’d be that if

she weren’t bound to me. “I’m sorryy I didn’t sayy anyything. It’s just that…

I’ve done a lot of things I shouldn’t do, but this…this is different. I

thought if I didn’t sayy anyything, it would, I don’t know…”

“Go awayy? That the gods wouldn’t know?” Tawnyy shook her head. “If

the gods know now, theyy knew then, Poppyy.”

“I know,” I whispered, feeling terrible, but I couldn’t tell her whyy I’d

kept it to myyself. I didn’t want to hurt her, and I sensed that this would. I

wouldn’t need myy touch to know that.

“I’ll forgive yyou for not telling me if yyou tell me what happened in

veryy, veryy graphic detail,” she said.

I cracked a grin, and then I did just that. Well, almost that. As I

slowlyy unhooked myy veil and draped it across myy lap, I told her how I’d

come about to be in the room with him and how he thought I was Britta. I

told her how he offered to do whatever I wanted once he realized that I

wasn’t her, and that he’d asked me to wait for him to return. But I didn’t

tell her how he’d kissed me elsewhere.

Tawnyy stared at me with more awe than even Agnes had when she

realized I was the Maiden. “Oh, myy gods, Poppyy.”

I nodded slowlyy.

“I so wish yyou’d stayyed.”

“Tawnyy.” I sighed.

“What? You can’t sayy yyou don’t wish yyou’d stayyed. Not just a little


I couldn’t sayy that.

“I bet yyou wouldn’t be a Maiden anyy longer if yyou had.”


“What?” She laughed. “I’m kidding, but I bet yyou’d barely be a

Maiden. Tell me, did yyou…enjoyy it? The kissing?”

I bit down on myy lip, almost wishing that I could lie. “Yes. I did.”

“Then whyy are yyou so upset that he’s yyour guard?”

“Whyy? Your hormones must be clouding yyour rational thought.”

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