From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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begin to fathom what would occur.

With one last look of warning in Hawke’s direction, Vikter pivoted on

his heel and stalked toward the guard who held the torch. Myy heart hadn’t

slowed as I dared one quick peek in Hawke’s direction.

I immediatelyy wished I hadn’t.

In the bright, earlyy morning sun, with blue-black hair swept back

from his face, his features were harder, harsher, and somehow all the more

beautiful. The line of his lips was firm. No hint of a dimple to be seen. He

had on the same black uniform he had worn the night at the Red Pearl,

except now he also wore the leather and iron armor of the Rise, his

broadsword at his side, the bloodstone blade a deep rubyy.

Whyy had he stepped forward to watch over me? There were Royyal

Guards present. Dozens of them who should’ve done so. Myy gaze swept

the crowd, and I realized that none of them looked long in myy direction,

and I wondered if it was because it was so rare that theyy ever saw me, or if

theyy feared punishment byy the Duke or the gods for even looking at me.

Their dutyy dictated that theyy give their life for someone who it would

be considered a grave disrespect to look upon too long or approach without

permission. The disturbing ironyy in that sat heavilyy on myy shoulders.

But Hawke was different.

There was no wayy that he knew it had been me at the Red Pearl. He’d

never heard me speak before, and I doubted myy jaw and mouth were that


The Duchess had said he came from the capital with glowing

recommendations and would likelyy become one of the yyoungest Royyal

Guards. If that was what Hawke wanted, stepping up like this would surelyy

help. After all, there was a sudden, unexpected opening in the Royyal Guard


And wasn’t that a dark assumption to make?

A muscle flexed along his jaw, momentarilyy fascinating. Then I

remembered whyy I was here, and that was not to ogle Hawke from behind

myy veil. I shifted myy gaze to where Vikter approached the pyyre.

Drawing in a shallow breath, I wanted to look awayy, to close myy eyyes

when he lowered the torch. I didn’t. I watched as the flames licked along

the tinder and the sound of crackling wood filled the quiet. Myy insides

twisted as the fire ignited in a rush, spreading over Ryylan’s bodyy as Vikter

dropped to one knee before the pyyre, bowing his head.

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