From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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experience with that. Probablyy never would, and I doubted most people

did, no matter what their futures held. What myy mom had done was

unheard of. She’d been the first and the last to ever do so.

Queen Ileana had said more than once that if myy mother had

Ascended, she might’ve survived that night, but that night mayy have never

come. I wouldn’t be standing here. Neither would Ian. She wouldn’t have

married our father, and if she had Ascended, she would bear no children.

The Queen’s beliefs were irrelevant.

But when the mist had come for us that night, if myy parents had

known how to defend themselves, both might still be alive. It was whyy I

was standing here instead of the captive of a man determined to take down

the Ascended and more than willing to shed blood to do so. If Malessa had

known how to defend herself, her outcome mayy have still been the same,

but she would’ve at least had a chance.

Myy gaze once more met myy reflection’s. The Dark One would not

take me. That was a vow I would kill for and die to uphold.

I lowered myy hand and then slowlyy turned from the mirror. I changed

into a gown, leaving a lamp burning beside the door and crawled into bed.

It couldn’t have been more than twentyy minutes before a soft knock

sounded on the adjoining door, and Tawnyy’s voice called out.

I rolled toward the entrance. “I’m awake.”

Tawnyy eased inside, shutting the door behind her. “I…I couldn’t


“I haven’t even tried yyet,” I admitted.

“I can go back to myy room if yyou’re tired,” she offered.

“You know I won’t be falling asleep anyytime soon.” I patted the spot

beside me.

Hurryying across the short distance, she snatched the edge of the

blanket and slipped under it. Shifting onto her side, she faced me. “I keep

thinking about everyything, and I wasn’t even there. I can’t imagine what’s

going on in yyour head.” She paused. “Actuallyy, probablyy something that

involves bloodyy vengeance.”

I grinned despite all that had happened. “That’s not entirelyy untrue.”

“This is myy shocked face,” she replied, and then her smile faded. “I

keep thinking about how unreal all of this feels. First with Malessa, and

now Ryylan. I saw him just after supper. He was alive and well. I’d passed

Malessa yyesterdayy morning. She was smiling and looked happyy, carryying a

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