From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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sound of their voices, had faded with the passing of time. Theyy were

forever captured in the past, mere ghosts of who theyy once were, and

Vikter was in the now, bright and in vivid detail.

“Tell me yyou understand that.” His voice had softened.

I didn’t, but I nodded nonetheless because that was what he needed to


“Ryylan was a good man.” His voice thickened, and for a moment,

grief filled his gaze, proving that he wasn’t unaffected byy Ryylan’s death.

He was just too skilled to show it. “I know it didn’t sound like I thought so

when we were with Her Grace. I stand byy what I said. Ryylan grew too

complacent, but that can happen to the best of us. He was a good guard,

and he cared for yyou. He would not want yyou to feel guilt.” He squeezed

myy shoulder once more. “Come. You need to clean up.”

The moment we reached myy room, Vikter checked the space, assuring

that the access to the old servants’ stairs was locked. It was more than just

a little unsettling to think that he felt the need to check myy suite, but I

figured he was operating on the better-safe-than-sorryy mindset.

Before he left us, I recalled a part of what the Duchess had said. “The

group the Duchess spoke about… Do yyou know who theyy are?”

“I wasn’t aware of anyy group.” Vikter glanced at where Tawnyy was

carryying an armful of fresh towels into the bathing chamber. He often

spoke openlyy in front of her, but this…all of this felt different. “But I’m

not kept up to date on the comings and goings, so it’s not exactlyy


“So, the Duke was just tryying to avoid panic,” I surmised.

“The Duchess has alwayys been more forthcoming, but I imagine that

he probablyy told the Commander the truth.” His jaw hardened. “I

should’ve been told immediatelyy.”

He should’ve been, and it didn’t matter that he’d alreadyy suspected

the truth.

“Tryy to get some rest.” He placed his hand on myy shoulder. “I’ll be

right outside if yyou need anyything.”

I nodded.

A hot bath was quicklyy drawn, placed near the fireplace, and then

Tawnyy took the soiled gown. I never wanted to see it again. I sank into the

steaming water and set about scrubbing myy hands and arms until theyy were

pink with heat and friction. Without anyy warning, the image of Ryylan

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