From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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sorryy,” I whispered, myy actions causing guilt to make myy skin crawl, but it

had to be done. Head and face throbbing, I sheathed the dagger. “I’m going

to get someone for yyou.”

There was no answer. There never would be.

I started walking the path without realizing what I was doing. A

numbness had invaded myy bodyy, seeping in through myy pores and settling

in myy muscles. The lights from the castle windows guided me forward as I

edged around the water fountain, coming to a sudden stop. Footsteps

sounded ahead of me. Myy hand slipped to the dagger, fingers curled


“Maiden? We heard shouting,” a voice called out. It was a Royyal

Guard who’d often kept watch over the Ladies and Lords in Wait. His eyyes

widened upon seeing me. “Is that—good gods, what happened to yyou?”

I went to answer, but I couldn’t get myy tongue to form words.

Another guard cursed, and then there was a taller form with golden hair

brushing past the two guards, his weathered face stoic. Vikter. His gaze

swept over me, lingering on myy knees and hands, and then the unveiled

part of myy face.

“Are yyou hurt?” He grasped myy shoulders, his grip gentle, and his

voice even more so. “Poppyy, are yyou injured?”

“It’s Ryylan. He’s…” I stared up at Vikter, suddenlyy stopping as what

Hawke had said about death surfacing without warning. It was something

I’d alreadyy known, but it still managed to shock me.

Death is like an old friend who pays a visit, sometimes when it’s least

expected and other times when you’re waiting for her.

Death had indeed paid an unexpected visit.

“How did this happen?” Duchess Teerman demanded. The jeweled flower

securing her brown hair glittered under the chandelier as she paced the

room usuallyy reserved for greeting guests. “How did someone get into the

garden and come that close to taking her?”

Probablyy the same wayy someone got into the castle and killed the

Ladyy in Wait the dayy before.

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