From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 7

“Ryylan!” I rushed to his side, throwing an arm around him as his legs

crumpled. His weight was too much, and when he fell, I went down with

him, myy knees cracking as theyy hit the pathwayy. The impact didn’t register

as I pressed myy hands around Ryylan’s wound, tryying to stanch the flow of

blood. I opened myy senses to him, expecting to feel pain. “Ryylan—”

Whatever words I was about to sayy died on myy tongue, tasting of ash.

I…I felt nothing, and that wasn’t right. He’d have to be in so much

pain, and I could help that. I could take his pain, but I felt nothing, and

when I looked at his face, I didn’t want to see what I saw. His eyyes were

open, gaze fixed yyet unseeing on the skyy above. I shook myy head, but

under myy hands, his chest didn’t move.

“No,” I whispered, blood turning to ice and slush. “Ryylan!”

There was no answer, no response. Underneath him, a pool of blood

spread across the walkwayy, seeping into the syymbols etched into the stone.

A circle with an arrow piercing the center. Infinityy. Power. The Royyal

Crest. I pressed down on his chest, myy trembling hands soaked with blood,

refusing to believe—

A footstep echoed like thunder behind me.

I twisted at the waist. A man stood a few feet from me, a bow at his

side. A hooded cloak shielded his face.

“You’re going to do as I sayy, Maiden,” the man spoke in a voice that

sounded like churning gravel. “And then, no one will be hurt.”

“No one?” I gasped.

“Well, no one else will be hurt,” he amended.

I stared up at the man, and…and Ryylan’s chest still didn’t move under

myy palms. In the back of myy mind, I knew it would never rise again. He’d

been dead before he even hit the ground. He was gone.

Pain, so sharp and so real, cut through me. Something hot hit myy

veins and poured into myy chest, filling up the emptyy space. Myy hands

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