Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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of our mingled sweat and sex.

“Who’s fucking you?”

I panted, confused by his question.

“Who?” he growled, accentuating the word with a hard thrust that hit a

delicious spot deep inside of me.

My eyes almost rolled back at the sensation. “You,” I said. “You, Cassio.”

“Yes.” He thrust harder, and then he tensed with a sharp exhale. I, too, froze

at the feeling of utter fullness, not sure if I was going to come apart at the seams

or have another orgasm. I felt his release deep inside of me and moaned. This

felt so good. Cassio kissed my mouth, then my throat, panting. “Yes, you are

mine, honey. Your body but most importantly that pretty head.” He pressed a

kiss to my temple then rolled off me and onto his back.

I tried to catch my breath and make sense of his words. Tilting my head to

the side, I watched him. His body glistened with sweat, and the hairs on his

strong thighs were smeared with sweat and our releases. He stared up at the

ceiling, chest heaving.

We weren’t touching anymore and slowly a wall came up—we became

strangers once more. I touched my abdomen, relishing in the afterglow of his


“Did I go too hard? I didn’t mean to take you like this so shortly after your

first night.”

I looked at him. The hint of concern in his gruff voice warmed my heart in a

way I couldn’t explain. “No. I’m fine.” I smiled. “I really enjoyed it.”

Cassio let out a short laugh. “I could tell.” He shook his head as if this was

an impossibility. He shifted to his side and ran his palm along my side then

swiped his thumb over my nipple. “Why would such a lovely girl want to have

an old cruel man?” He’d said it sarcastically, but I caught the underlying truth.

I huffed. “You aren’t an old man.” I didn’t mention his cruelness. I didn’t

know him well enough to give a testament to that. “And you are sexy.”

He chuckled, his eyes taking in my face. Slowly the smile disappeared, and

he pulled his hand away. I didn’t want us to become strangers again. Why could

strangers be close during sex, feel connected, even cared for, when right after

nothing was between them? I wanted that feeling of connection all the time. I

rolled over, closer to Cassio and pressed my palm to his chest then slowly let it

glide lower, down his ripped stomach, following the trail of hair to his pelvis

until my fingertips brushed his base.

Cassio let out a low groan that might have been on the verge of laughter. “I

don’t have the virility of a teenage boy, Giulia.”

I looked up. His expression contradicted his words, and so did his half-erect

cock. “To me, it looks like you’re virile enough,” I said teasingly. That barrier

that he’d begun building between us mere seconds ago, I could feel it crumpling

again. Emboldened, I touched him. His stomach hollowed with a deep breath,

those delicious abs becoming more prominent.

He regarded me, one arm behind his head, with an expression as if he

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