Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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moan. I snapped my mouth shut, remembering the kids.


“The walls are thick and our room is at the other end of the corridor. Don’t

worry,” he rasped as he rubbed his stubble over the soft skin of my inner thigh.

His lips and chin were shiny. I could not stop looking. Shouldn’t I have closed

my eyes or stared at the ceiling? Wasn’t that what women were supposed to do?

Cassio dragged his tongue along my slit, holding my gaze, and I felt that too.

I clutched his hair, holding him in place even if he didn’t look like he had any

intention of going anywhere. He ate me like I was his last meal.

“Do you enjoy it?” he rasped in between swipes of his tongue.

“Yes,” I whispered. This was already so much better than last time. Maybe

because the pressure had lifted off my shoulders—I didn’t care. “And you?”

Gasp. “Do you enjoy it?” Where had this daring, sexual creature hidden all my


Cassio smiled darkly, not appearing as if he minded. He squeezed my ass

hard and lifted me higher as he wedged his shoulders against my thighs so my

pussy was practically smothering him. My useless legs rested on his back. “I

enjoy it very much. Your taste.” He dipped his tongue into me, and I moaned.

“Your moans.” He raised his head. “The sight of your pretty pussy. So fucking


He lowered his head, and I watched as his mouth closed over me. His eyes

burned into me as he sucked lightly at first then firmer, sending shockwave after

shockwave to my center. I was getting closer and closer, always on the edge but

not ready to fall yet. I dug my hand into the blanket, desperate for release and so

close, but something was still holding me back. As if a knot had been tied too

tightly deep inside of me and couldn’t unfurl. “Please,” I bit out.

Cassio pulled one of his hands out from beneath me. His fingertip brushed

my entrance and at the next tug of his lips, he pressed inside. I clenched in

discomfort then pleasure. Never taking his eyes off me, he started moving his

finger inside of me as he sucked my clit. Suddenly the knot unraveled, my eyes

growing wide, my belly hollowing as pleasure radiated through me. I cried out,

my fingers scraping over Cassio’s head as I ground myself against his mouth,

seeking more of his tongue and the finger teasing my sensitive inner walls. I half

sobbed, half choked, squirming under Cassio from the force of the sensation. I’d

touched and even fingered myself out of curiosity, but the result had never been

more than mildly satisfying. This was mind-blowingly amazing.

“Goddammit it, yes, just like that, honey,” he growled, and I almost came

again. Had he just called me honey?

Cassio raised his head, looking disheveled and glistening from my desire. He

kept pumping his finger in and out of me, which felt wondrous and as if he was

trying to unravel another tighter knot I hadn’t even known was there. This time it

wasn’t blood trickling out of me. I didn’t have time for embarrassment over my

arousal because I was steering toward another release.

Cassio added a second finger, and while I winced initially, the sensation soon

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