Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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because of it, the sight of his strong all-man body sent thrills of desire through

my body even before he touched me.

“You’re so fucking lovely,” he groaned before he hovered over me, engulfing

me with his manly scent. The warm, comforting aroma was like a drug to my

system. His lips found mine for a possessive kiss before he moved lower. I

watched as his mouth closed around my nipple, and at the first tug, I gasped, my

hand flying up to clutch at his head.

“Yes!” The word slipped out without intention.

He looked up, holding my gaze as he sucked. His mouth was hot around my

sensitive skin. I felt the shockwave between my legs and clenched.

“I should have done this last night.”

God, he should have. This felt amazing. He lowered himself between my

legs, and I opened them for his strong body without hesitation, loving the feel of

his powerful, warm body on top of me. He cupped both of my breasts with his

big hands, squeezed lightly, never taking his eyes off me—nor did I take mine

off him. The sight of this man touching me turned me on.

Kneading my breasts gently, he lavished my nipples with attention, kisses,

licks, and sucks until I was panting. Without thinking, I wrapped my legs around

him and pushed my center against his stomach, needing friction. My wetness

coated the firm muscles and caused Cassio to groan low in his throat. His eyes

flashed with triumph and hunger. His mouth worked my breasts with even more

fervor until I was close to losing my mind with need for release. I kept rubbing

myself against Cassio’s abs almost desperately, but it wasn’t enough—not nearly

enough. I needed more, but wasn’t sure how to say it.

I made a small impatient sound in the back of my throat, my fingers clawing

at Cassio’s shoulder, trying to tell him without words.

His eyes seemed to darken with realization. “Now I crave something sweet.”

I frowned until I realized what he meant, and then I could have wept from

relief. He pushed up on his palms, and I lowered my legs from his back. Looking

down his body, he brushed his fingers over his lower abs glistening with my lust

for him. Then he brought them to his lips. “As sweet as I remember. Perfect.”

I could only agree. But I meant the sight of him, of this strong muscled man

peering down at my body as if it was a revelation.

He moved down until his face hovered right over my pussy. Last time, it had

made me feel insecure because I hadn’t known what to expect. Now it made me

feel nervous for another reason. “What if I don’t… come again?” The last two

words were whispered. Cassio had spent fifteen minutes between my legs on our

wedding night, and while it had been pleasurable, I hadn’t been close to orgasm.

He lowered himself to his elbows then slid his palms under my thighs. He

cupped my ass cheeks, startling me. Tearing his eyes away from my center, he

looked at me, and the hunger on his face alone almost made me come. “Don’t

think about it. Just relax and let me get you there. Don’t rush it. Just let it

happen.” Then he jerked me toward his waiting mouth and… holy hell, pretty

much French kissed my pussy. I arched up, and let out an embarrassingly loud

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