Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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said and released her.

For a moment, she didn’t move. Then she sprinted toward her new basket

that I’d set up in the living room and threw herself inside before she began to

wiggle happily, her tiny legs in the air as she enjoyed the feeling of air on her

skin. Only an inch of fur remained, but I had a feeling it would grow soon.

Looking down at my clothes, covered in fur and dirt, I decided to clean up too.

I rushed up the stairs and changed into more comfortable clothes. Black

over-the-knee socks, pleated skirt, and the yellow sweater. At once, I felt more

like myself.

After checking on our newest drug lab and one of our underground casinos, I

headed to my parents’ house because Father had asked me for a meeting. Of

course, I knew what it was about.


Before I got out of the car, I sent Elia a text. He called me shortly after.

“How’s it going?”

“She’s insecure around me. She seems to notice that something is off, but I

don’t think she knows what to make of me just yet. She’s good with the kids and


“She is?”

“Very patient. Just really lovely.”

Everyone used that word for my wife, and damn it, she was indeed lovely.

“Hmm. Don’t come on to her too fast. It might make her suspicious.”

“All right, Boss.”

I hung up and left the car. The door to my parents’ house opened before I got

the chance to ring the bell. I gave my mother a look. “Have you been looking out

of the window?”

She shrugged. “I was just wondering what you were doing in the car.”

“Working, mother. I’m always working.”

“Even so shortly after marrying that girl?”

“That girl’s name is Giulia and stop calling her girl. It makes me feel old.”

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