Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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again. But I was getting cold. Straightening, I pushed two fingers between my

lips and let out a whistle. Daniele’s head snapped up to me, his little mouth

falling open.

I whistled again, even though Loulou was already trotting my way. “Do you

want to learn how to whistle like that?”

Daniele nodded slowly.

“Then I’ll teach you.”

Loulou wagged her tale hesitantly, but she kept a few steps between Daniele

and her. I didn’t know if something had happened or if she’d just never learned

to deal with children, but I hoped I could fix both of them.

Daniele and I entered the kitchen. The room smelled of bacon and freshly

brewed coffee, and my stomach tightened at once. I hadn’t eaten much last night,

too nervous before coming to my new home. Now I was starving. Loulou was a

couple of steps behind us, her tail tucked between her legs, obviously

overwhelmed. I knew how that felt…

Sybil shook her head. “That’s not good. The master won’t like it.”

I only smiled. “Thank you for making us breakfast.” Simona already sat in a

highchair, but there was a second one beside it.

Sybil set the breakfast casserole down on the table then grabbed Daniele,

who started screaming. Despite his struggling, she took the tablet from him and

tried to push him into his highchair. Domenico got up as if to help her restrain


“No,” I said firmly. Both of them gave me looks. Elia remained, watching


“He won’t eat if he’s not confined to his chair,” Sybil said.

I took Daniele from her, which wasn’t easy due to his struggling, then I set

him down on a chair. “Do you want a big boy chair?”

He quieted. Then his eyes darted to the tablet.

“No,” I said softly. “You can have your tablet after breakfast, but none of us

are playing games while we eat. You’re a big boy, Daniele. That’s why you can’t

play during meals and why you’re allowed to sit on a grown-up chair.”

His eyes met mine and for a moment. The sadness in them seemed too big

for someone that small to carry. I swallowed. Without thinking, I stroked his

head. He stilled. Clearing my throat, I straightened and pushed his chair a bit

closer to the table. “Can you get a pillow?” I asked Domenico. He disappeared

and returned a couple of minutes later with a throw pillow.

“I have to lift you so Domenico can put the pillow on the chair so you’re

taller, okay?”

Daniele gave a small nod. I grabbed him under the arms and raised him then

quickly lowered him on the pillow. Now his head was level with the table.

I took the seat beside him. Sybil gave me a small thankful nod before she

turned back to Simona, who refused to be spoon-fed.

“Eat,” I told my bodyguards before I scooped a bit of the casserole on my

plate. “Do you want to share a plate with me?” I asked Daniele, holding out a

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