Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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“I don’t know.” I headed into the bathroom and closed the door. The hot

shower did nothing to dissipate the heavy sense of exhaustion.

While Giulia got ready, I dressed in my usual three-piece suit before I headed

to Daniele’s room. As expected, he wasn’t inside. I found him on Gaia’s bed, still

in his PJs, staring down at his tablet. “Daniele, you know you aren’t supposed to

be in here.”

He didn’t react, except for rounding in his small shoulders and jutting out his

chin. I went over to him and picked him up. He squirmed in my hold, but I didn’t

set him down.

“It’s enough,” I snapped. My patience was running thin after last night.

He only struggled harder. My chest tightened in a mix of despair and

frustration. “Daniele, stop it now!”

He froze and so did Giulia, who was watching from her spot in the doorway

to our bedroom.

Simona began wailing in her room. Seconds later, the dog began barking up

a storm downstairs. I stopped and for a moment, sure I’d lose it. Swallowing

hard, I went over to Giulia and set Daniele down in front of her.

“Get him dressed and don’t allow him to spend all day on the tablet. I’ll take

care of Simona.” I didn’t wait for her reply.

Turning my back on her and my son’s accusing little face, I headed to my

daughter. Once in her room, I rested my forehead against the cool door for a

couple of heartbeats before finally I felt in a state of mind to console my little


I stood frozen, staring down at the little boy. What had just happened? Daniele

had struggled against Cassio’s grip as if he was terrified of him. And for a

moment, Cassio had appeared as if he was on the verge of losing control.

Loulou kept barking downstairs, but Simona quieted eventually, probably

because Cassio had taken her out of her crib. Remembering last night’s mess, I

squared my shoulders and squatted before the little boy.

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