Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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I froze, caught off guard by his sudden closeness. How could he kiss me when he

was angry?

He turned around with a sharp exhale and stalked a few steps away before he

slanted me a cautious look. “You don’t have to be scared. I won’t force myself

on you. Last night was necessary, but I won’t seek you out again until you want

me to.”

He sounded tired again and as if he were certain I’d never want him to. What

had happened between his wife and him? I pushed the thought of her to the back

of my mind, and with it the accompanying uneasiness.

I should have said something, but I was overwhelmed—by the situation, by

the kiss that still echoed in my lips, by the look in Cassio’s eyes. I felt like I was

caught up in a current, which spun faster and faster, leaving me disoriented.

Yesterday morning I’d been me, an eighteen-year-old girl who loved art and

Pilates. Now I was a wife, a stepmother, the society lady at an Underboss’s side.

With all my new roles, was there still room for me?

Cassio looked at me, nodding slowly, as if my expression gave him an

answer to a question he hadn’t even uttered. He walked over to the bed and sank

down. His broad shoulders and back were covered by long, thin vertical scars

that I hadn’t noticed before. Many of them.

I approached him to get a better look. Cassio didn’t say anything, only

looked at me. I pointed at one of the scars then lightly touched it but pulled my

hand away after a moment.

“You can touch them,” Cassio said calmly, but his voice had an edgier note

to it. I brushed my fingertips over the scars on his shoulder blades and back.

Some fathers tortured their sons to make them strong. Cassio was strong and

brutal. Was his father the reason for it? “Who did this? Your father?”

Cassio shook his head. The way he was watching me made me blush. I

wasn’t even sure why. “When I was around your age, a few of my men and I got

captured by the Bratva. They whipped me before they moved on to other torture


My mouth ran dry at his clinical tone. “My God, that’s horrible.” I sank

down beside him on the edge of the bed. His musky scent made me want to lean

closer, to run my nose along his skin and taste it. What a ridiculous thought.

“Why did you think my father did it?”

“Because that’s how many Made Man make their sons strong. You know my

uncles… abusing their children is their favorite sport.”

Cassio’s eyes lingered on the small scar on my knee then moved up to the

one on my outer thigh and one on my upper arm. They weren’t prominent, but

sitting as close as we did, they couldn’t be missed.

“I have one on my shoulder too,” I said, twisting to show him the scar there.

“Four scars. Not much in comparison to yours.”

Something in his gaze made my pulse pick up, something dark lurking in its

depth. “Those scars,” he murmured. “Did your father create them?”

Oh. Now I understood the look. “No,” I said quickly and without thinking

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