Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Annoyance hummed under my skin. Giulia peered up at me calmly, thinking she

knew everything. It was the advantage of youth—believing you knew how the

world ran and convinced you could shape it to your ideals. She’d soon realize

that ideals were just teenage foolishness.

“Come now,” I gritted out, not wanting to release the frustration of the last

few months on her. Ultimately, it was my fault for allowing this marriage, for

thinking an eighteen-year-old girl could be a wife and mother. The idea that

Giulia could become Gaia 2.0 turned my stomach over.

Giulia opened her mouth as if to say more, but I sent her a warning look.

She’d need to learn when to shut up. She pursed her lips but remained quiet.

I led her to Daniele’s room first. I opened the door but didn’t turn the lights

on. Daniele’s bed was empty.

“Where is he?” Giulia whispered, worried, as she crossed the room toward

the bed.

My heart clenched. Turning on my heel, I walked out and strode down the

corridor. Steps followed me, and Giulia appeared at my side.


I didn’t say anything—couldn’t.

The door to the last room on the left was ajar as I knew it would be. I pushed

it open. The light spilling in illuminated Daniele’s small form on the huge kingsized

bed. He was curled into himself on top of the comforter, half covered by

his own blanket. I took a deep breath, hating the feeling of guilt wilting my

insides. Anger toward Gaia was an emotion I could handle better.

I could feel Giulia’s eyes on me, the myriad of questions she wanted to ask.

In the silence of the room even her unspoken words frustrated me. She took a

few hesitant steps toward Daniele. My hand shot out, clamping down on her

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