Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Cassio swung his legs out of bed. “I’m going to clean up.”

My eyes raked over his muscled body, mesmerized by the hard planes, the

ridges of his six-pack, and the narrow V of his hips. I was attracted to his body,

which was a relief. My gaze dipped even lower, and the blood on his penis drove

heat into my head. I looked away. I had been staring too long anyway. Looking

down at myself, I cringed at the sight of my smeared inner thighs—a disgusting

mix of blood and sperm. I slid out of bed, taking in the mess on the linens A

small mortified sound slipped out of me.

“Are you all right?” Cassio rumbled somewhere behind me.

I turned, grimacing. “Do we really have to show these sheets?”

“That was the point of us sleeping together.”

Ouch. “So, you only slept with me because of the presentation of the


Now that we were married, I wanted Cassio to be attracted to me. It seemed a

horrible fate to spend your life with someone who couldn’t bear touching you. I

definitely enjoyed the sight of his body. His touch was still unfamiliar and sex

had been painful, but it hadn’t been the ordeal my mother and a few of my aunts

had made it out to be. I could imagine enjoying it very much, especially Cassio’s

mouth between my legs.

Cassio regarded me strangely, as if I was an unknown creature. Then he

shook his head with a chuckle. “I’m a man.”

I headed toward him, also in need of a shower. I felt sticky and sore between

my legs. “Is that a reply?” I asked curiously.

Cassio stepped into the bathroom, and I followed him. His eyes traveled over

my body, sending an unfamiliar shiver down my back. Now that he’d seen me

naked, I didn’t really see the point in covering myself, and he didn’t look as if he

minded. Quite the contrary.

I picked up my pace when I felt something trickling out of me and practically

leaped inside the shower. Sighing, I relaxed, glad to have avoided a mess.

“You can shower first,” Cassio said.

“We can shower together.” I flushed. “I mean, why waste water? There’s

enough room for both of us.”

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