Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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“Do you take the pill?” I asked. It wasn’t the most romantic thing to say in a

situation like this, but before today, I couldn’t bring myself to ask my teenage

wife that question.

A quick nod.

I climbed on top of her and guided my cock to her opening, but she shrank

back. I wanted to roar in frustration. “Giulia,” I said imploringly.

“Can you hold me?”

My heart skipped a fucking beat. I nodded and lowered myself to my elbows

then wedged one arm under my wife’s shoulder blades and hugged her to my

chest. “Like this?” I murmured.

Her face was inches from mine, and she looked up at me, seeking my help,

my protection, my closeness. I kissed the corner of her mouth then her lower and

upper lip as I shifted my hips so my tip nudged her entrance. She held her breath.

I stroked her bangs from her sweaty forehead.

“Breathe out.”

She did, and I pushed into her about an inch.

Her face flashed with discomfort, and she gripped my bicep.

“If it’s too much, you tell me, and we’ll figure something out,” I heard

myself say, and I wanted to kick myself, but she gave me a grateful small smile,

and I could feel her walls loosen very slightly. Slowly, I slid deeper into her,

even when she squeezed her eyes shut and exhaled. She got very tight, and I

knew this part would hurt the most. Kissing her temple, I thrust forward and slid

all the way in. She flinched under me and gasped, her breathing ragged.

I shuddered out a breath, trying to stay still, and pretty sure her walls were

going to milk my cock any second now. Fuck, she was tight. “Giulia? How are


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