Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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I kissed the same spot, applying a bit more pressure. Her pussy smelled even

sweeter and absolutely irresistible. Again, a sharp intake of breath. I planted kiss

after kiss all over her pussy, giving her time to get used to my attention. She

didn’t respond in any way except for her ragged breathing. I wasn’t sure if she

enjoyed it. I brushed my palm along her inner thigh and applied light pressure,

wanting to part her for me so I had better access, but she resisted. My frustration

spiked once more, but I shoved it down. Eighteen. Young and inexperienced.

“Giulia, let me.”

I could feel her legs softening, and finally, I parted her all the way. The hint

of arousal coated her opening and relief filled me. I dipped my head and ran my

tongue along her sensitive folds. Giulia’s hand shot out again, but this time she

didn’t shove; she only held on to my head, her fingers shaking. I hovered above

her and used the tip of my tongue to circle her clit. She gasped, fingers

twitching. I took my time experimenting to figure out what she enjoyed, but she

was very quiet and tense, which made it difficult. Her clit definitely worked

when I swiped my tongue over it. Her breathing deepened and her body

responded to my ministration, but after fifteen minutes, it became quite clear that

she was too nervous to come. I kissed her inner thigh.

“Do you think you can come?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry.” Acute embarrassment showed on her


“Don’t be. It takes time.” I paused, knowing what would have to happen

next. “Are you ready?”

I knew she wasn’t, and not because she hadn’t come. She was wet, definitely

as wet as I’d get her tonight given the circumstances. Giulia swallowed then

gave a small nod.

I got off the bed and slid out of my boxers. My cock was definitely ready.

Smelling, tasting, seeing her had sent a flood of blood right to it.

“Oh shit,” Giulia whispered.

My eyebrows shot up and for a second right there, I was sure I’d start roaring

with laughter. I stifled the impulse and knelt on the bed. “You’re going to


Her expression remained doubtful and worse… fearful. Fuck it. We had to

get it over with. If she started worrying about all the ways this would hurt, she’d

only grow more tense.

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