Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Relief filled me at her reasonability. At least that distinguished her from my

late wife. She surprised me when she headed to the bedroom without prompting.

I followed a couple of steps behind her. For the first time, I allowed myself to

see her as a woman—something I’d avoided at all costs until now but was a

necessity for tonight.

The dress accentuated her narrow waist and the beautiful curve of her hips

and butt. Arriving in the bedroom, Giulia stopped and glanced over her shoulder.

Despite her obvious nerves, she smiled before she set her purse down on the

bench in front of the king-sized bed. Her eyes rested on it for a moment, her

blush deepening, then she cleared her throat.

I moved closer to her. Her strawberry scent wafted into my nose, making me

wonder if she’d taste just as sweet as her choice in perfume suggested. I took in

the intricate lace of her long-sleeved bodice, lingering on the swell of her


“I have to cut you out of your dress,” I said as I unsheathed my knife from

the holster at my chest. Another tradition we couldn’t evade.

She regarded the blade with a small frown before she nodded. Turning

around, she tilted her head to the side so her hair wasn’t covering the lace top of

her back. Her throat was long and elegant, perfectly unblemished, and I had to

resist the urge to press my mouth to it and mark her as mine. Sparing her had

appeared easier when we hadn’t been married yet. That I had ever considered it

an option seemed ludicrous now. She shifted her face and peered up at me

through long lashes, nerves in her eyes.

“Everything okay?” she asked quietly.

“Of course,” I clipped, my voice harsher than intended because I was

annoyed at myself. She averted her eyes and stiffened.

An apology teased the tip of my tongue. It never passed. I slid my finger

below the lace to lift it off her skin. Goose bumps pimpled every inch of her

body when I touched her soft skin. I brought the knife down and cut through the

undoubtedly expensive fabric. The resulting hiss made Giulia jump. I stepped

back the moment the knife reached her skirt.

Giulia pulled her dress down slowly, her back to me, and I couldn’t look

away as she revealed inch over inch of her smooth back. She was topless and

only wearing a very skimpy white lace thong. My eyes rested on her perfect ass

cheeks, round globes I wanted to sink my teeth into and bury my cock in, a cock

that was growing hard watching her.

“Is it okay if I freshen up?”

Her voice tore through my rising arousal. “Of course.”

The gruffness in my voice made Giulia risk a glance up at my face. Then she

hurried into the bathroom. Terrifying my young wife before I had to claim her

was a fucking stupid thing to do.

Loosening my tie, I walked over to the bench and sank down. My wedding

ring, similar to my last one, seemed to mock me. I set my tie down beside me,

listening to the sound of running water. Giulia would need patience and care. I

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