Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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All evening, I kept an eye on my wife. She wasn’t comfortable with my close

proximity. Her trembling during our dance had made that clear. That reaction

didn’t bode well for tonight.

After her dance with my father, Giulia hurried out of the room, and Father

came over to me. “Would you excuse us for a moment, Luca? I need to have a

word with my son.”

“I’ll dance with Aria.” Luca gave us a curt nod before he headed over to his


“What’s the matter?”

“Your girl is terrified. She’s trying to put up a brave front, as she’s been

taught, but I can see it in her eyes.”

My gaze rested on the door through which Giulia had disappeared. “Don’t

call her my girl, Father. It makes me feel even older.”

Father chuckled. “Maybe it’s good that you do. That you remember you’ve

been given a wife who’s been a child not too long ago, that you need to be good

to her.”

I frowned. “I have no intention of not being good to her.” Being good to her

would be difficult, no doubt.

“Maybe you should tell her, talk to her before tonight. It would be wise to

take some of her fears away in advance.”

My mouth tightened. “Father, I’m not going to discuss my wedding night

with you.”

Father smiled. “I’ll thank you for that. Go talk to her, Cassio. Do your old

man that small favor.”

“When she returns, I’ll have a quick word with her.”

“Cruelty has a place, Cassio. Marriage isn’t it.”

I had enough. “Do you want to have another talk about Gaia? Today?”

“My concern is that you forget that Giulia isn’t Gaia.”

“It seems you know my wife better than I do.”

I walked off, even if it was disrespectful, but Father was no longer

Underboss. I didn’t need his guidance in that regard, nor in my marriage. Mia

gave me a hard look from across the room and slipped out as well.

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