Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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I closed the door on Giulia’s terrified face before facing Luca, who was still

holding his gun. Despite the almost irresistible urge to pull my own, I didn’t. I

respected Luca and he appreciated me more than most of his other Underbosses.

That didn’t mean he wouldn’t kill me. There wasn’t a man or woman that Luca

wasn’t capable of killing, except for his wife and children—maybe.

“You lied about Andrea.”

“I didn’t lie. I omitted part of the truth.”

Luca’s lip curled in a dangerous way. “Some might say omitting part of the

truth is lying.”

“The only opinion that matters to me is yours.”

Luca came closer. The gun still hanging down in a relaxed way. The sight

might have fooled someone who didn’t know Luca as I did. Luca was a born

killer. Few men were as dangerous as him with and without a gun. “If that were

true, you would have told me everything when I asked.”

I nodded. “Andrea was my soldier. When I killed him, it was under

Philadelphia’s ruling.”

“Philadelphia is mine, Cassio. Everything in the east is mine. You and all my

other Underbosses rule over my cities in my name. Don’t ever forget that.”

“I don’t. But you trust me to rule in Philadelphia as I see fit, and you know I

do it well. You don’t expect me to tell you about every incident in the city. You

trust me to deal with them myself.”

“I expect you to tell me when there’s a traitor in the Famiglia.”

“Andrea was a rat.”

“Was he? Or was he just the man who fucked your wife?”

With anyone but Luca, I might have attacked. I stifled my fury. “He was

both. The Vice President of the chapter of the Tartarus MC in Philadelphia that I

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