Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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the memory will fade with time. He was too young to form a strong bond with

her. I guess it’s a blessing after all.”

“I suppose so.” It seemed horribly cruel to be glad for Gaia’s early death, but

for Simona and Daniele, it was probably easier that way. Had they both been

older at the time of her suicide, they would have struggled even more.

“Eventually, Daniele and Simona will ask questions about Gaia. It’s natural to

want to know more about your birth mother.”

Cassio breathed out. “Until they do, I won’t talk about her. Everything I’ll

tell them will be a lie anyway.”

“Not everything.”

“When we married, I thought I was doing damage control.”

My eyebrows climbed my forehead. Cassio chuckled seeing it. “I know. Not

very romantic. But you were meant to make my life easier.”

“You expected to get a nanny with some sexy times thrown in the mix.”

“I can’t deny it. I didn’t consider the option that we would become partners,

that I would enjoy your presence outside of the bedroom, and even that seemed

unlikely after I first met you.”

“You know how to turn this romantic sunset, even more romantic,” I teased.

“Romantic isn’t my strong suit.”

“You don’t say?”

Cassio turned to me and cupped my cheek. “You surprised me and keep

surprising me.”

“That’s good… right?”

“More than good.”

“Do you think you’ll ever fully trust me? Ever not expect I’ll cheat on you?”

“I trust you.” At my doubtful expression, he added, “I do, but I’m not sure if

the nagging doubt at the back of my head will ever fully leave. Catching Gaia

like that...” He shook his head then peered out toward the ocean. “I know most

people are capable of doing very bad things. I see it every day. It’s difficult not to

always expect the worst.”

I understood him. I couldn’t imagine how it must have felt to catch your

partner cheating on you, especially with family. “I won’t cheat. I’ll work for your

trust every day no matter how long it takes for your nagging voice to shut up. I

love you.”

Cassio bent down, his lips touching mine. “If anyone can shut up my

nagging voice, then it’s you. You’ve breathed new life into me.”

“You mean your newfound virility?” I teased, grinning.

Cassio didn’t smile. He stroked my hair, his eyes following his fingers as

they slid down. “Into everything. I was dead inside, going through the motions

of every day, living for work, for building a future for my kids. While doing that

I forgot about the present, about living. You showed me how important it is to

live in the moment, to experience my children’s life and not just plan for their

future.” He kissed me. Then his smile became darker. “But my newfound virility

is definitely another perk of your presence in my life.”

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