Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Giulia organized Simona’s first birthday party in January, baking a cake and

decorating everything with balloons. My family came over around teatime.

Simona had done her first steps by now and followed Giulia like a puppy.

She was too young to remember her mother. For her, there was only Giulia.

Faro and his wife and two children were invited as well. He joined me in a

quiet moment. “She got Daniele to talk again.”

I nodded, following Giulia with my eyes. She righted the sunflower in

Simona’s hair. My daughter’s dress also had a sunflower print. She looked

adorable, so I gave up protesting. “She did. She’s good with the kids.”

“And good with you,” Faro said with a suggestive grin.

I narrowed my eyes.

“Come on, Cassio. It’s like you fell into the fountain of youth, and you’re

less cranky than in the past. I’m happy for you.”

I didn’t say anything.

“Your father approached me.” From the change in Faro’s voice, I knew I

wouldn’t like what he had to say.

“What did he want?”

“He asked me to talk to you about having a child with Giulia. He thinks you

should be prepared for any eventualities.”

“The eventualities being that Daniele’s not my son?” I gritted out.

Faro shrugged. “It is an option, and not an unlikely one at that.”

“I don’t need another child, and I certainly don’t need you or my father to

meddle in my business.”

Faro raised his arms. “I didn’t want to meddle. That’s why I told you. But

your dad won’t give up anytime soon. He’s worried.”

“If he accepted that Daniele and Simona are my kids, he could stop

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