Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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I stumbled away from the door when steps rang out behind it. The handle

moved, and I quickly rushed behind one of the bookshelves, pressing myself

against it. I glanced toward the door. Cassio and Faro stepped inside. Dad gave

them another fake smile then closed the door, locking me in with them. How was

I supposed to get out of the library and upstairs with Cassio and his companion


“And?” Faro asked.

Cassio moved farther into the room and closer to me. He was frowning, but

some of the vigilance had disappeared. “Exhausting. Mrs. Rizzo in particular. I

hope her daughter doesn’t take after her.”

I pursed my lips in indignation. Mom was exhausting, true, but his words

rubbed me the wrong way.

“Have you seen a photo of her?” Faro picked up one of the frames from the

side table, chuckling.

Peering through the gap in the books, my eyes widened in horror. He held it

up for Cassio to see. I was nine years old in that photo and grinning widely,

showing off my braces. Two small sunflowers were attached to the sides of my

pigtails, and I was dressed in a polka-dotted dress with red rubber boots. Dad

loved that photo of me and had refused to remove it despite Mom’s nagging.

Now I wished he’d listened to her.

“Fuck it, Faro. Put that down,” Cassio said sharply, making me wince. “I feel

like a fucking pedophile looking at that child.”

Faro put the frame down. “She’s a cute kid. It could be worse.”

“I sincerely hope she got rid of those braces and awful bangs.”

My hand flew to my bangs. A mix of anger and mortification washed over


“It works for the schoolgirl look,” Faro said.

“I don’t want to fuck a goddamn schoolgirl.”

I flinched and my elbow collided with a book. It fell over in the shelf.

Oh no. Silence descended over the room.

I looked around frantically for an escape. Ducking my head, I tried to slip

into the next aisle. Too late. A shadow fell over me, and I collided with a hard

body. I stumbled back into the shelf. My tailbone hit the hard wood, causing me

to cry out in pain.

My head shot up, my cheeks flaming. “I’m sorry, sir,” I blurted. My proper

upbringing be damned.

Cassio stared down at me, glowering. Then realization settled on his features.

As far as first impressions went, this could have gone smoother.

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