Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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“We could spend his birthday at the beach house. Daniele loves it there.”

I grinned. “That’s perfect. I want to bake a cake and decorate everything with

dinosaurs. Maybe we can invite Mia and her family so Daniele has someone to

play with. Her daughters are close to him in age, right?”

“One’s a year younger, the other is two years older. And that sounds like a

great plan.” He brushed my bangs away from my forehead.

“Do you still hate them?” I remembered what he’d said about my hair the

first time I met him. It had hurt back then but not so much now. Our tastes were

very different. At least Cassio had by now mostly given up dressing me the way

he wanted.

“There’s nothing I hate about you,” he murmured.

My heart thudded wildly. I scanned his face, trying to determine what the

tone in his voice meant. His lips found mine, halting my thoughts. His kiss

became forceful as he gripped my hips and hoisted me on the pool table. I

squealed in surprise. Cassio positioned my butt right on the edge and pushed my

legs apart. It was horribly uncomfortable, but I’d be damned if I said anything.

My short plaid skirt rode up. “What about my skirts? You don’t hate them


Cassio licked a hot, wet trail up my inner thigh. I squirmed, stifling a giggle.

Part of me wanted to shove him away, but the other wanted more. “Not as long

as they allow me quick access to your sweet pussy.”

He kissed me through my panties.

“You’re really into oral.” I pushed up on my elbows to see him between my

legs. He always went down on me before sex and sometimes just because. He

didn’t rush it either. He took his time, and it was amazing. Seeing him enjoy it as

much as I did was a major turn-on.

“Fuck yes. I could eat you all day.” He dipped his tongue between my folds,

my panties still between us. “Is that a complaint?”

I grasped his short hair, trying to push him back down so he’d lick me.

Talking was the last thing on my mind. “Absolutely not. Your tongue is magic.”

He chuckled and the deep rumble caused another flood of wetness to trickle

out of me. He hooked his fingers in my panties and dragged them down slowly. I

lifted my butt to make it easier for him then spread my legs wider. “What about

you, honey, do you like to get on your knees and suck my cock?”

“Yes,” I pressed out, sliding closer to his mouth. He smirked. Instead of his

tongue, his index finger began to tease me lightly. He dipped it in, drawing out

my arousal. “You want me this badly that you’re going to ruin the pool table.”

“I don’t care. Please stop teasing me. I need your tongue.”

His smile turned darker. “Do you remember when I told you that only I give

orders in the bedroom?”

“We’re not in our bedroom,” I squeaked before he lifted me off the table,

spun me around, and pushed me forward so I was bent over the edge, my butt

jutting out. He slapped my ass hard causing me to arch with a gasped moan. His

zipper hissed. He palmed my ass, his tip parting my cheeks slowly until I felt

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