Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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party. Clutching the edge of the sofa, Simona pulled herself up to her legs beside

me, grinning proudly.

“Good,” I cooed while I kept an eye on Daniele and Loulou. He was

throwing her ball, and she dropped it in front of him every time. It was beautiful

and I wished Cassio could see.

My phone pinged with a message. Surprise rushed through me when I saw it

was from Christian, telling me he was in the area and wanted to visit. I hadn’t

seen him since the wedding. In the past, I would only see him every two months

because we lived in different cities, but now that had changed, at least until he

returned to Baltimore to rule at Dad’s side—whenever that was going to be. I

hurried into the kitchen to tell Sybil to prepare a few sandwiches and coffee.

Fifteen minutes later, his car pulled up in front of the house. “Your uncle’s

coming to visit,” I told Daniele, who’d been following my every step all day. I

carried Simona on my arm, despite her squirminess. She wanted to crawl but she

was quick and it was difficult to keep an eye on her in the vast house.

Daniele’s eyes grew wide, a mix of shock and hope marking his face. His

reaction surprised me. Cassio only had sisters. Had Gaia had a brother? I didn’t

remember. The bell rang. Loulou stormed out of the living room, barking. She

jerked to a stop in front of the door, scratching it.

“I’m getting the door!” I called before Sybil could come forward from the

kitchen. Elia and Domenico could see the front step with the surveillance

cameras surrounding the house so they’d know it was only my brother.

“No, Loulou,” I said sternly as I carefully pushed her to the side with my

foot before I opened the door. Loulou tried to squeeze past me again, but I

nudged her back again.

Christian wore a thick coat against the bitter cold December air and gave me

a curious look. “Of course you’d keep the dog.”

Daniele stared at my brother then turned around and rushed upstairs.

Puzzled, I smiled at Christian as I kept Loulou away with my foot. She growled

at Christian. We really needed to work on her treatment of guests.

“What’s with the kid?” he asked, indicating Daniele who’d disappeared from


I shrugged and opened the door wider so he could enter.

Christian came in and hugged me with one arm, trying not to crush Simona,

who made a sound of protest at his closeness. The cold clung to his coat and

seeped into me.

I quickly pulled back and closed the door. For a moment, I didn’t pay

attention, and Loulou dashed past me, jumping at Christian with angry yaps. He

glared down, not impressed. “Go away,” he said, shoving her away with less

gentleness than I had done.

“Loulou!” She finally stopped and trotted a few steps away.

“How are you?” Christian asked as he slipped off his coat and hung it up at

the coatrack. It was obvious that he’d been here before and knew where

everything was. The worry in his voice was unmistakable.

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